Simple Way to Make Super Quick Homemade حلى صحي ولذيذ 😋✨

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حلى صحي ولذيذ 😋✨. Join Now. 😀😁😂🤣😃😄😅😆😉😊😋😎😍😘🥰😗😙😚☺🙂🤗🤩🤔🤨😐😑😶🙄😏😣😥😮🤐😯😪😫😴😌😛😜😝🤤😒😓😔😕🙃🤑😲☹🙁😖😞😟😤😢😭😦😧😨😩🤯😬. 😰😱🥵🥶😳🤪😵😡😠🤬😷🤒🤕🤢🤮🤧😇🤠🥳🥴🥺🤥🤫🤭🧐🤓😈👿..😥 - :disappointed_relieved: 😩 - :weary: 😔 - :pensive: 😞 - :disappointed: 😖 - :confounded: 😨 - :fearful: 😰 - :cold_sweat: 😣 - :persevere: 😢 - :cry: 😭 - :sob: 😂 - :joy: 😲 - :astonished: 😱 - :scream: - :neckbeard: 😫 - :tired_face: 😠 - :angry: 😡 - :rage: 😤 - :triumph: 😪 - :sleepy: 😋.

حلى صحي ولذيذ 😋✨

Hello everybody, it's Jim, welcome to our recipe site. Today, we're going to make a distinctive dish, حلى صحي ولذيذ 😋✨. It is one of my favorites food recipes. This time, I'm gonna make it a little bit unique. This will be really delicious.

حلى صحي ولذيذ 😋✨ is one of the most well liked of current trending meals on earth. It's easy, it is fast, it tastes yummy. It is appreciated by millions every day. They're nice and they look wonderful. حلى صحي ولذيذ 😋✨ is something which I've loved my entire life.

Join Now. 😀😁😂🤣😃😄😅😆😉😊😋😎😍😘🥰😗😙😚☺🙂🤗🤩🤔🤨😐😑😶🙄😏😣😥😮🤐😯😪😫😴😌😛😜😝🤤😒😓😔😕🙃🤑😲☹🙁😖😞😟😤😢😭😦😧😨😩🤯😬. 😰😱🥵🥶😳🤪😵😡😠🤬😷🤒🤕🤢🤮🤧😇🤠🥳🥴🥺🤥🤫🤭🧐🤓😈👿..😥 - :disappointed_relieved: 😩 - :weary: 😔 - :pensive: 😞 - :disappointed: 😖 - :confounded: 😨 - :fearful: 😰 - :cold_sweat: 😣 - :persevere: 😢 - :cry: 😭 - :sob: 😂 - :joy: 😲 - :astonished: 😱 - :scream: - :neckbeard: 😫 - :tired_face: 😠 - :angry: 😡 - :rage: 😤 - :triumph: 😪 - :sleepy: 😋.

To begin with this particular recipe, we have to first prepare a few ingredients. You can cook حلى صحي ولذيذ 😋✨ using 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to make حلى صحي ولذيذ 😋✨:

  1. {Make ready كوب of تمر منزوع النواة.
  2. {Make ready 3 ملاعق of عسل.
  3. {Take كوب of شوفان.
  4. {Get فنجان of حليب قليل الدسم (غير الزاميء).
  5. {Prepare of ككاو دارك سائل (غير الزامي).
  6. {Take رشة of هيل.
  7. {Prepare of رشتين دارسين.
  8. {Get 0.5 كوب of جوز الهند مبشور.
  9. {Prepare of قليل من الزعفران.

Steps to make حلى صحي ولذيذ 😋✨:

  1. يوضع الشوفان بالفرن حتى يصبح ذهبي اللون.
  2. يقلب التمر مع العسل والهيل والزعفران والدارسين والحليب والككاو والشوفان حتى يصبع عجين.
  3. ويفرد في وعاء ويغطىء بطبقه من جوز الهند ويحمر بالفرن.
  4. ويقطع ويوضع في طبق التقديم 😋😋.
  5. مييييةة عاافيهه 🌹.
  6. حطيت معاه حليب جوز الهند الذيييذذ بحط وصفته ان شاءء الله لذذذذذذذيذذ صددق ☺️👌🏻.

So that's going to wrap it up with this exceptional food حلى صحي ولذيذ 😋✨ recipe. Thanks so much for reading. I am confident you can make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don't forget to save this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!

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